
Welcome to my blog and thank you for visiting.

I’m obsessed with eating and all things food. I spend a good part of the day thinking about food, what to eat, where to eat, how to cook, etc. But the most obvious way I display this is through my not-necessarily-aesthetic way of eating. Hence the name “Bad Table Manners”. My default method is to eat as if I haven’t eaten for a week! In Chinese, we call it 狼吞虎咽, or swallowing like a wolf or tiger. I don’t believe that to appreciate delicious food, we should slowly savour. Quite on the contrary, I believe the only and only correct way of appreciating the cook/chef mastery is taking a big mouthful and instantaneously following it with another.

This site details the latest foods I’ve been gorging on, be it at restaurants, takeaways or at home – made by yours truly.

If you wish to contact me, you can email me at jkchen88[at]gmail[dot]com

2 thoughts on “About

  1. I would like to send you an invitation to a food bloggers dinner event – what is the best email to reach you on?

    Warm regards,

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